Here is a wiejska style homemade Polish sausage recipe, and it's a very good representation of what most people in the U.S. picture when they think of Polish sausage.
This is a tried and true kielbasa, and doesn't stint on the fresh garlic. If I'm not mistaken, this particular recipe has roots the Great Lakes region of the country, and likely came over with the Polish immigrants to that area.
I use granulated or powdered garlic in a lot of my sausage recipes, and in almost every case there is no reason not to. In this wiejska kielbasa though, I really think that fresh garlic is the way to go.
Make sure to give your sausage a cold water bath after you take it out
of the smoker, and you will have a better appearing product.
As is almost always the case when using fresh garlic in sausage, the garlic flavor will diminish after a time in the freezer. You can refrigerate your sausage for up to 3 days with no problems but, for best flavor, you shouldn't freeze it for more than 3 months.
For instructions on smoking your wiejska
Click Here.